No wonder clinics are seeing an increase in aesthetic treatments for the eyes, with so many individuals focusing on them. When the upper eyelids droop, they appear fatigued and need to be elevated to give the eye a lift. Find out how to lift hooded eyelids!
Bouncing back while you’re young is easier since your skin has more flexibility. The problem is that our skin loses that ability as we age and begins to droop all over, most noticeably around the eyes.
As many people know, hooded eyelids are a prevalent problem that affects a large number of people.
Hooded eyelids are common for everyone, whether it’s due to daily activities like removing makeup, medical issues, or stress-related physical injuries (such as rubbing your eyes out of annoyance). Droopy eyelids can lead to headaches, eye strain, and even migraines.
What Are Hooded Eyes?

Hooded eyelids, often known as “hooded eyes,” are a common physical feature caused by extra skin beneath each brow.
You can tell if you have hooded eyelids by looking in the mirror.
See if the skin beneath the brow bones covers your upper eyelids when you open them.
Hooded eyes might make you appear older than you are. This is because hooding your eyes makes these bags more noticeable as we age, and the wrinkles around these bags deepen with time.
Why do we get Hooded Eyes?
‘Brow ptosis’ is the medical term for droopy eyelids or hooded eyes. In a condition known as Brow Ptosis, extra skin folds from the bone of the brow to the eyelash line, creating droopy eyelids.
Hooded eyes might develop as a result of a predisposition in our genes or the normal aging process on our face. Over time, people with aging skin lose their skin’s elasticity and structure, resulting in sagging and drooping.
If a person’s parents have hooded eyes, the chances of their children developing the same condition increase. Others, on the other hand, believe that hooded eyes signify old age.
Age-related loss of muscle tone and sagging of the eyebrows is common. Drooping eyebrows pull on the fat and soft tissue that line the eye socket, resulting in a hooded appearance.
According to an article published in 2021, the cause of hooded eyes can be head trauma to the side. Medical therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy can accelerate the aging process in the skin and soft tissues, causing drooping eyebrows.
How To Treat Hooded Eyelids?
The term “eyelid surgery” encompasses several different techniques. In addition, nonsurgical brow and lash lifts target just the brows or lashes and do not require surgery.
One option is blepharoplasty, where the surgeon removes excess skin above or below the eye according to the patient’s preference. There are two more possibilities.
Before surgery, you can take several measures, including consulting with your doctor and thoroughly understanding what is about to happen.
One week after therapy, there may be some soreness. Depending on how many injections were given at once, the numbness can last anywhere from two weeks to three months. You’ll know when it’s the time since each location is injected with numbing drugs.
Eyelid Massage Technique 1
Place the pads of your fingers directly below your eyebrows.
Gently lift and “wiggle” the skin left and right to stimulate circulation.
Repeat three times.
Eyelid Massage Technique 2
Starting at the bridge of your nose, pinch your right eyebrow lightly between your right thumb and forefinger (with your thumb towards the floor).
Lightly rotate your hand skywards (the video demonstrates this perfectly) to lift your eyebrow.
Continue with steps 1) and 2) as you move along the length whole length of your eyebrow.
Repeat steps 1) through 3) on your left eyebrow with your left hand.
Repeat on both sides three times each day.
It is also possible to confuse hooded eyes with droopy eyes.
Hooded eyes may look like droopy eyelids, but they’re pretty different. Because of severe conjunctivitis, which causes people to close their lids while sleeping or resting, hooded eye syndrome allows you to keep your eyes open.
Ptosis is a medical disease that occurs when one or both eyelids droop.
Even minor drooping of the eyelids can impair the vision and function of the eyelids. Over time, drooping eyelids can lead to vision difficulties, although hooded eyelids don’t have that effect.
Hooded Eyes and Aging
Hooded eyes may only be a cosmetic issue if you are young. However, as you grow older, the inherited trait becomes increasingly apparent due to the normal aging process of your connective tissues. It is common for skin to lose its elasticity as we get older, which results in the appearance of drooping skin and wrinkles.
The upper eyelids experience relative skin changes as the rest of the face with some amplification with age. Because of the deterioration of tissue that holds the fat in the eye socket within the rim, it begins to protrude outward. As a result, your eyelids become puffier and heavier, making the hooding worse.
In the case of hooded eyelids, what non-surgical eye lifts are available?
Considering how many anti-aging products are already available, it’s understandable that consumers are wary of such claims. However, what if there was a simple answer?
An eye lift method that doesn’t include surgery is an excellent option for people who want to even out the contour of their eyes. The “glabellar lines” between the brows, treated with Botox injections, can also be smoothed out.
Even if you have asymmetrical eyes, you can utilize non-surgical eye lifts to correct the problem.
If you want to improve your appearance without surgical scarring and markings, non-surgical eye lift procedures may be the best option. The non-surgical alternative to eyelift surgery is more time consuming, but there are no visible scars.
Lifting your eyelids can have a dramatic impact on your appearance. Since no downtime or waiting for results to occur spontaneously, the non-invasive treatment is an appealing alternative.
How Can Hooded Eyelids Be Solved?
Contours Rx LIDS by Design solution has solved the problem of sagging eyelids. The lid’s revolutionary design can help you alter your eyes and give them a youthful appearance for years to come.
Using LIDS by Contours Rx is simple, safe, and only takes 10 minutes, whether you’re using it in public or at home.
These medical-grade hypoallergenic corrective strips include a proprietary design and skin-like technology to ensure that your eyes remain bright and wide open at all times! If you have sensitive skin, you can rest easy knowing that this latex-free bandage won’t bother even the most delicate places.
Eyelid tape is a great non-surgical option for enhancing the appearance of your eyes while also providing a temporary fix. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on an expensive surgery to get the same results.