A lot of people suffer pain or tension in their neck and upper back and often feel like getting a massage to relieve and decompress that area. Is it difficult for you to afford the time and money to visit a massage therapist? Almost everyone at some point has suffered pain in their neck and back. This is a very common problem among both the young and adult populations, and it’s only getting worse.

All of the symptoms that come with tension in your neck affect your day. Fatigue, headaches, body aches, bad mood, and low performance can all be attributed to strain in your neck and upper back. For these reasons, we must take extra care of these areas.
What is Neomassan?
Neomassan is a cutting-edge neck massage machine that will relieve the pain in your neck and upper back by releasing the tension held in these areas. This machine combines massages and posture correction with infrared heat, ultrasound, and electric pulse technology to massage your muscles and relieve stress on your neck. Not only does Neomassan ease your neck pain after a massage, but should also help prevent pain as you correct your neck posture over time.
This neck massager has different modes and intensity strengths so that you can adjust the strength of the massage to your liking. Simply press the buttons to increase or decrease the strength of massage and change mode settings. It’s so easy to use. If you have hair that covers your neck, pin it up. Wipe your neck with a wet towel to moisten the skin. Then, put on Neomassan and enjoy a massage for 10 to 20 minutes each day.
What is Cervical Pain?
Cervical pain is related to stress, poor posture in front of electronic devices, and carrying an excessive amount of weight. In the case of women, it can even happen because of a bad choice in bra.
The medical experts agree that the main problem is our posture. But this has a simple solution, with which you’ll succeed in relieving pain and relaxing the cervical area.
Which postures cause the most discomfort?
The most prevalent is called texter’s neck, or Dowager’s hump, which is a combination of forwarding head and rounded shoulders. Because we spend a lot of time looking down at our smartphones and typing on computers, our posture is suffering.
The head becomes accustomed to sitting forward, out of alignment with our spine, which compounds the strain from supporting the head on our neck and upper back.
How to treat this problem?
In order to make these problems a thing of the past, a lot of work has been done on different technologies, treatment methods, and devices that will improve and alleviate all these ailments.
However, most people don’t have the time or the money to make all the visits to a chiropractor or physiotherapist. There are a lot of gadgets that claim to make a difference, but do they really work?
We found at least one that does. After many hours of testing devices, we ordered online, the best results came from the Neomassan.
Features and Benefits
Neck Massager: State-of-the-art neck massager to relieve neck pain.
Relief of Pain and Discomfort: Relief of pain and discomfort thanks to its innovative infrared thermal technology.
Six Programmed Settings: Six programmed settings are adapted to different ailments or situations. (Massage or Relax).
Flexible and Ergonomic: Flexible and ergonomic. There are 16 different types of intensities.
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The Perfect Gift: Ideal gift for friends and family.
Cutting-edge massage therapy technology.
10 Minutes treatment sessions (suggested to be used 10-20 mins per day).
EPM Electronic Pulse Massage technology.
12 Adjustable pulse intensities.
Mode display indicator at the back of the device
1: Automatic
2: Acupuncture
3: Soft Massage
4: Shiatsu
5: Kneading
6: Deep Massage
Auto 15 minutes shut off.
3D fit to any neck size.
Extra plug for extending electrodes to other muscles.
2 electrode pads.