Sleep Connection Review – According to the data from the National Sleep Foundation, nearly 37 million Americans are constantly snoring in their sleep. The alarming noises come when an individual narrows the airways or when the airway is partially blocked as he or she sleeps. Often, an individual’s airway can be blocked due to one of these factors: alcohol or increased tonsils, floppy tissue, and nasal obstruction.

If everyone decides to assume the percentage of snorers in the world, it would be amounting to billions of people. So, it can be rightly assumed that about 1 out of every ten individuals in the country might have come across someone who either grunts, whistles, chokes, snorts, or makes buzz-saw-like sounds in his or her sleep.
However, owing to individual differences, while some individuals would find snorers annoying, some other individuals might try to empathize with them: they see snorers as being in need of medical attention. Snoring can be more than just mere irritation. It often deprives one party of having a sound sleep. Anyone who has ever slept with a snorer would understand what it is meant.
What is Sleep Connection?
Snoring doesn’t just happen. It is caused by a number of factors that have been verified. Such factors are the anatomy of the mouth and sinuses, the rate of alcoholic consumption, allergies, a cold, and body weight.
Whenever someone falls asleep, progressing from a light to deep sleep, the muscles in the person’s soft palate, tongue and throat also fall into relaxation. The relaxation of the tissues in their throat can reach the point that the flow of air in their airway is partially blocked. So, the more narrowed their airway is, the more forceful the airflow becomes. This situation is known to increase tissue vibration, making their snoring grow louder and unbearable. This is the right time for Sleep Connection.
The Sleep Connection Anti-snoring Wristband is a nighttime armband that someone wears on their wrist. It is the best snoring device in the market because it reduces snoring and allows the person and, more importantly, those they sleep with to have a peaceful and enjoyable night’s sleep.
The Sleep Connection is a sleep supportive wristband that detects snoring using an advanced, high-quality biosensor. It is programmed in such a way that when it notices snoring, it sends a gentle impulse to the snorer’s wrist, encouraging the person to change their sleeping position.
It is truly correct when it’s said that this excellent anti-snoring device is ideal for any person who wants to avoid snoring.
As the name implies, the Sleep Connection wristband’s work is to connect the person to their sleep. And when they are perfectly connected to their sleep, they will sleep easier and live a healthier life. Truly, the Sleep Connection’s output slightly surpassed many snorers’ expectations with these below features:
● It Monitors The Sound In The Room: There is an integrated system in the device that monitors the noise in the room. It will give a gentle impulse to the snorer’s wrist when it notices snoring. This stimulation allows the brain to signal that person’s body must change its sleeping position. The change of position can have a lot of impact on snoring, and the device can keep track of the noise all night long. How far it sends the pulse has no limit, so the snorer doesn’t have to think too much about snoring.
● It Has An Inbuilt Biosensor Detective System: The biosensor is designed to detect snoring and distinguish it from background noise. The snorer has to place the sensor right against the skin of their wrist because that’s where the impulse will be sent. If the person finds that it isn’t working, the person should make sure that the sensor is in the correct place and that the wristband is not too tight or too loose.
● It Sends Gentle Pulses To The Snorers’ Skin When it Notices They’re Snoring: The wristband will send slight impulses to the region that is against the sensor to stop the snorer from snoring and allow their body to change positions. It’s not strong enough to hurt, but it should be enough to stimulate their nerves. It’s also important to understand that these impulses will have no effect on their partner, and they won’t be bothered if the wristband sends them.
● It Is An Adjustable Wristband: The Sleep Connection’s wristband can be completely adjusted and is designed to fit into as many wrists as possible. One thing to note is that it can be a challenge for those who have smaller or wider wrists. Snorers are advised not to try wearing the device. They find it to be too tight because it can cause injury. However, it’s not going to work the way it should if the wristband is too loose.
● It Has Auto-off Battery Functionality For Optimization: Sleep Connection has an auto-off battery feature that is set to 8 hours by default. Snorers can set the exact time limit based on how long they normally sleep. It is not only easy to use, but it can also help them save their battery life. Remember to completely charge the wristband before using it, which should only take a few hours.
● It Is Definitely Not Invasive: Many people are worried about invasive solutions, so they should trust that the system is not invasive. Every night, they can use it, and they don’t need someone to work with them. The impulses are also gentle and will not cause pain or hurt. The best thing is that the system is not used or implemented in a hospital or clinic.
● It Is Lightweight and Compact: The Sleep Connection is very light and compact. Snorers can carry it everywhere they go. They may also be confident that they will not be judged or looked at because it is so tiny and looks like a wristwatch. The portability makes it a perfect choice for people who have to travel and sleep because it means they can sleep deeply without others being awoken.
● It Has An Adjustable Pulse Frequency / Level: Another wonderful feature of the anti-snore sleep connection is the fact that the pulse frequency can be adjusted based on individual preferences. That’s better for those who sleep heavily because the normal pulse may not be sufficient for them to be able to change their sleeping position. The best thing about this function is that it can be easily modified and changed as much as the snorer wants.
● It Is Simple to Use: This wristband has no complicated features, so even those who aren’t tech-savvy can use it. All of the options can be set in a matter of seconds, and adjusting the device on their wrist is as simple as spelling their name. They may also simply plug the device in and wait for it to charge. Overall, it’s one of the simplest devices to run, and these people won’t have to spend a lot of time studying the controls.
● This flexible, non-binding band is simple to use.
● Since it does not send violent or aggressive impulses, it will not wake the user up.
● The user may customize these pulse frequencies to high or low depending on their personal preferences.
● It allows them to have a great night’s sleep with their girlfriend/wife, which benefits their relationship/marriage.
● It has a refined appearance and can even be worn in public.
● This lightweight gadget is easy to wear because snorers hardly notice it.
● It has a small number of buttons.
● It only sends impulses when a person begins to snore.
● It has no negative side effects, so no snorer would worry about their health.
● The Sleep Connection Anti-snoring wristband is only available in small quantities, and thus everyone is expected to buy it with immediate effect.
● Only the company’s online store offers the product at a lower price. Any offline retailer who sells the original product in-store almost doubles the price and consumers can’t afford to buy wholesale from offline retailers.
● Depending on where the user buys, there could be a slight delay in delivery.
● The buyer is expected to pay a small shipping fee. However, not everyone can afford the additional cost of having the wristband delivered to their place.